The UPS Store – Perks Plus Program

Increase Sales and Drive Up Profits in
Your UPS Store Starting Tomorrow

Our easy-to-use, sales-building service, attracts more new customers, more visits and more spending. That means you’ll sell more bubble-wrap, peanuts, boxes, shipping, copies and printing than ever before. That’s because customers earn points for spending money at your business and promoting you to family, friends and co-workers.

Here's How It Works…

1. We’ll Do Your Loyalty, Holiday and Event Marketing

We’ll send a steady stream of colorful, high-impact email promotions proven to sell more bubble-wrap, peanuts, boxes, shipping, copies, printing, notary services and more. Each message features your choice of special offers. Customers stream through your door with your offer in hand. It’s 100% automatic!


2. We’ll Run Your Birthday Club

We will also send your customers a warm email greeting a week before their special day… they’ll appreciate that you remembered them; they might even spend some of their birthday money on invitations or banners…


3. We’ll Bring Back Lost Customers

Eliminate customer churn and boost visits from those "one-a-year" shippers. The minute one of your customers misses a regular visit, we’ll reach out to them with a compelling reason to return and start spending money again. Customer Saver happens automatically on whatever timeframe makes most sense for your store.


4. We’ll Bring New Customers

Your best customers tell their friends, family and co-workers about YOUR UPS Store. We issue points to them for each new referral to your program. This builds your customer base fast with powerful “word-of-mouth” referrals from customers.


5. We’ll Make You a Community Hero

Create (and run) as many fund-raisers as you want, whenever you want… with just a few mouse clicks. We even generate Facebook sharing links so each group can quickly promote your business to friends and group-members. Groups can even compete against each other to see who can spend the most money at your store. (Relax, Our system keeps track of everything.)


Play this brief Repeat Returns audio description now…

We’ve made sales building—amazingly powerful and incredibly easy.

Over the past 4 years, I have seen how effective reminding customers to pick up their shipping supplies at my store has been in increasing repeat business. They redeem their rewards certificates, spend more, and come back more often – that means higher profits for me. I highly recommend Repeat Returns to all UPS Store owners.

— Andi Samples
Owner of 2 The UPS Stores
York, PA

Affordable, too. Our powerful program (normally $149/mo) is yours at the special UPS rate of just $79/mo per location. There are no contracts, and no minimum terms either. Repeat Returns works with you month to month. The way I figure it is, if we’re doing a good job, we don’t need a contract. And if we’re not doing a good job, you don't want a contract. Makes sense, right?

I look forward to welcoming you to our rapidly growing, nationwide family of smart, successful, marketing-savvy UPS Store Owners!

To your success!

Kamron Karington
Kamron Karington, CEO
Repeat Returns
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If you want to be “top of mind”—at the right time...
It all starts with a free phone call. We’ll show you the program, answer your questions… and there’s never any pressure.

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Try The UPS Store Demo to see an instant example of how your program will work…

Your customers will enroll with only these 3 fields…